Vision and Strategy

The work of Health Sciences IT is guided by our Vision, Mission, Values, and three-year strategy for Fiscal Years 2023-2025. 

Read our Balanced Scorecard reviews:


Deliver foundational and transformational technology and analytics services to advance Yale University health sciences.


Enabling world class health sciences teaching, research, and patient care through novel and exemplary technology solutions.


  • Make Results Visible
  • Reduce Barriers & Inefficiency
  • Earn Trust of Partners
  • Experiment with Focus
  • Invest & Grow


Perspective OBJECTIVE FY24 Strategic Action(s)


Engage governance partners across health sciences

  • Introduce new decision-making groups to advise software and multi-year projects.
Stakeholders Deliver unified and easy to use application and support experiences
  • Launch new health campus-wide services for analytics and research systems.
  • Introduce new audio-visual support model for renovated rooms.
Financial Stewardship Forecast multi-year customer support costs
  • Preferred platforms for software and anticipated multi-year migration plans.
  • Centralize computer and audio-visual hardware lifecycle processes and schedules.
Financial Stewardship Increase visibility of funds flow
  • Create online workflow to formalize internal billing service level agreements.
Internal Processes Standardize intake and workflow management
  • Expand automation for internal reporting of operations and project metrics.
Internal Processes Align identity and data processes with partner institutions
  • Establish federation between Yale University and YNHHS identity access management systems.
  • Enhance infrastructure to support additional security and privacy standards to support full range of biomedical research.
Organizational Learning and Growth Increase professional growth opportunities team-wide
  • Expand IT job family redesign to the School of Medicine.
  • Partner with IT Learning Initiatives to further training options across all roles.
Organizational Learning and Growth Simplify application development & data integration
  • Foster learning opportunities for customer service, analytics, artificial intelligence, and low code development.